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Mi Casa Arredamenti:

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MiCasa è il luogo ideale per chi desidera arredare la propria casa con eleganza e stile. Con una vasta gamma di opzioni di arredamento casa interni, dai mobili classici a quelli moderni, MiCasa offre un'esperienza di shopping online unica e personalizzata. Inoltre, la possibilità di personalizzare i propri interni con tessuti, colori e accessori rende ogni casa unica e perfettamente adatta alle esigenze individuali. Scegliere l'arredamento giusto per la propria casa non è mai stato così semplice con il vasto assortimento di prodotti di alta qualità disponibili su MiCasa. Con una combinazione perfetta di comfort, funzionalità e stile, l'arredamento casa interni è un elemento fondamentale per creare la casa dei tuoi sogni e MiCasa ti aiuta a raggiungere questo obiettivo.

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Vi siete stancati del vostro vecchio materasso e vorreste riposare meglio durante la notte? Godetevi una buona notte di sonno grazie al nostro materasso a molle a 7 Zone con durezza H3! Questo materasso, di circa 20 cm di spessore, può non solo offrire un riposo tranquillo, ma anche proteggere la salute della colonna vertebrale. 1. Tecnologia a molle insacchettate a 7 Zone Il materasso a molle insacchettate contiene molle individuali imbottite nelle proprie tasche di materiale e imbottitura per fornire supporto pa tutto il corpo ed impedire lo slittamento. Il materasso 7 Zone indica che 7 diverse sezioni del materasso hanno diversi livelli di supporto per aiutare a migliorare l'allineamento della colonna vertebrale. Pertanto, il materasso 7 Zone offre un supporto ineguagliabile per l'intero corpo, con un supporto morbido per le spalle e un supporto stabile per i fianchi e la zona lombare, garantendo un sonno più salutare. 2. Allevia i punti di pressioneIl materasso può alleviare i carichi nei punti di pressione del corpo, consentendo alle ossa e alle articolazioni stressate, in particolare alla colonna vertebrale e all'area del collo, di riprendersi sufficientemente durante la notte. Il materasso si adatta perfettamente alla forma del vostro corpo, per un'esperienza di sonno armoniosa. 3. Comfort in ogni areaA differenza dei materassi tradizionali che forniscono comodità solo su zone limitate, questo materasso è estremamente comodo sull'intera superficie, dall'angolo ai bordi. Pertanto non è più necessario modificare spesso inconsciamente la posizione di riposo durante la notte. Inoltre non verranno più prodotti rumori quando ci si sposta sul materasso. 4. Facile da pulireNel corso del tempo si accumulano sudore e altri contaminanti sul materasso; tuttavia, grazie alla pratica cerniera lungo i 4 lati, la copertura lavabile può essere facilmente rimossa, rendendo il materasso facile da pulire. Si consiglia di ventilare regolarmente il materasso per prolungarne la vita operativa. Si prega di notare che non è possibile restituire il materasso per motivi igienici se la copertura è stata aperta o rimossa.
Vi siete stancati del vostro vecchio materasso e vorreste riposare meglio durante la notte? Godetevi una buona notte di sonno grazie al nostro materasso a molle a 7 Zone con durezza H2! Questo materasso, di circa 20 cm di spessore, può non solo offrire un riposo tranquillo, ma anche proteggere la salute della colonna vertebrale. 1. Tecnologia a molle insacchettate a 7 Zone Il materasso a molle insacchettate contiene molle individuali imbottite nelle proprie tasche di materiale e imbottitura per fornire supporto pa tutto il corpo ed impedire lo slittamento. Il materasso 7 Zone indica che 7 diverse sezioni del materasso hanno diversi livelli di supporto per aiutare a migliorare l'allineamento della colonna vertebrale. Pertanto, il materasso 7 Zone offre un supporto ineguagliabile per l'intero corpo, con un supporto morbido per le spalle e un supporto stabile per i fianchi e la zona lombare, garantendo un sonno più salutare. 2. Allevia i punti di pressioneIl materasso può alleviare i carichi nei punti di pressione del corpo, consentendo alle ossa e alle articolazioni stressate, in particolare alla colonna vertebrale e all'area del collo, di riprendersi sufficientemente durante la notte. Il materasso si adatta perfettamente alla forma del vostro corpo, per un'esperienza di sonno armoniosa. 3. Comfort in ogni areaA differenza dei materassi tradizionali che forniscono comodità solo su zone limitate, questo materasso è estremamente comodo sull'intera superficie, dall'angolo ai bordi. Pertanto non è più necessario modificare spesso inconsciamente la posizione di riposo durante la notte. Inoltre non verranno più prodotti rumori quando ci si sposta sul materasso. 4. Facile da pulireNel corso del tempo si accumulano sudore e altri contaminanti sul materasso; tuttavia, grazie alla pratica cerniera lungo i 4 lati, la copertura lavabile può essere facilmente rimossa, rendendo il materasso facile da pulire. Si consiglia di ventilare regolarmente il materasso per prolungarne la vita operativa. Si prega di notare che non è possibile restituire il materasso per motivi igienici se la copertura è stata aperta o rimossa.

Are you tired of your old worn out mattress and looking for better night's rest? Enjoy a good night's sleep on our pocket spring 7 Zone mattress with H2 hardness! This mattress, approximately 20 cm thick, can not only offer a calm sleep, but also guard your spinal health.

1. Pocket spring 7 Zone foam technology

Pocket spring mattress contains individual springs cushioned in their own pockets of material and filling to provide support across your body and prevent rolling together. 7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

4. East to keep clean

A lot of sweat and other contaminants accumulates over time on the mattress, but thanks to the practical 4-side splitable zipper, the washable cover can be easily removed, making the mattress easy to keep clean. We recommend you to ventilate the mattress regularly to extend the service life.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: Pocket spring foam + PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Overall dimensions: 120 x 200 x 20 cm (L x W x T)
  • Foam thickness: 20 cm
  • With 240 springs per sqm
  • With H2 hardness
  • With washable covers
  • Con cerniera su 4 lati

Are you tired of your old worn out mattress and looking for better night's rest? Enjoy a good night's sleep on our pocket spring 7 Zone mattress with H2 hardness! This mattress, approximately 20 cm thick, can not only offer a calm sleep, but also guard your spinal health.

1. Pocket spring 7 Zone foam technology

Pocket spring mattress contains individual springs cushioned in their own pockets of material and filling to provide support across your body and prevent rolling together. 7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

4. East to keep clean

A lot of sweat and other contaminants accumulates over time on the mattress, but thanks to the practical 4-side splitable zipper, the washable cover can be easily removed, making the mattress easy to keep clean. We recommend you to ventilate the mattress regularly to extend the service life.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: Pocket spring foam + PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Overall dimensions: 140 x 200 x 20 cm (L x W x T)
  • Foam thickness: 20 cm
  • With 240 springs per sqm
  • With H2 hardness
  • With washable covers
  • Con cerniera su 4 lati

Are you tired of your old worn out mattress and looking for better night's rest? Enjoy a good night's sleep on our pocket spring 7 Zone mattress with H3 hardness! This mattress, approximately 20 cm thick, can not only offer a calm sleep, but also guard your spinal health.

1. Pocket spring 7 Zone foam technology

Pocket spring mattress contains individual springs cushioned in their own pockets of material and filling to provide support across your body and prevent rolling together. 7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

4. East to keep clean

A lot of sweat and other contaminants accumulates over time on the mattress, but thanks to the practical 4-side splitable zipper, the washable cover can be easily removed, making the mattress easy to keep clean. We recommend you to ventilate the mattress regularly to extend the service life.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: Pocket spring foam + PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Overall dimensions: 80 x 200 x 20 cm (L x W x T)
  • Foam thickness: 20 cm
  • With 240 springs per sqm
  • With H3 hardness
  • With washable covers
  • Con cerniera su 4 lati

Are you tired of your old worn out mattress and looking for better night's rest? Enjoy a good night's sleep on our pocket spring 7 Zone mattress with H3 hardness! This mattress, approximately 20 cm thick, can not only offer a calm sleep, but also guard your spinal health.

1. Pocket spring 7 Zone foam technology

Pocket spring mattress contains individual springs cushioned in their own pockets of material and filling to provide support across your body and prevent rolling together. 7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

4. East to keep clean

A lot of sweat and other contaminants accumulates over time on the mattress, but thanks to the practical 4-side splitable zipper, the washable cover can be easily removed, making the mattress easy to keep clean. We recommend you to ventilate the mattress regularly to extend the service life.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: Pocket spring foam + PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Overall dimensions: 90 x 200 x 20 cm (L x W x T)
  • Foam thickness: 20 cm
  • With 240 springs per sqm
  • With H3 hardness
  • With washable covers
  • Con cerniera su 4 lati

With our 7 Zone visitor mattress with H2/H3 hardness, you can host and treat your guest with a good night's sleep.

1. 7 Zone PU foam technology

7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Overall dimensions: 140 x 200 x 10 cm (L x W x T)
  • Foam thickness: 10 cm
  • With H2/H3 hardness

With our 7 Zone visitor mattress with H2/H3 hardness, you can host and treat your guest with a good night's sleep.

1. 7 Zone PU foam technology

7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Dimensioni complessive: 160 x 200 x 10 cm (L x L x S)
  • Foam thickness: 10 cm
  • With H2/H3 hardness

With our 7 Zone visitor mattress with H2/H3 hardness, you can host and treat your guest with a good night's sleep.

1. 7 Zone PU foam technology

7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Overall dimensions: 180 x 200 x 10 cm (L x W x T)
  • Foam thickness: 10 cm
  • With H2/H3 hardness

Are you tired of your old worn out mattress and looking for better night's rest? Enjoy a good night's sleep on our pocket spring 7 Zone mattress with H2 hardness! This mattress, approximately 20 cm thick, can not only offer a calm sleep, but also guard your spinal health.

1. Pocket spring 7 Zone foam technology

Pocket spring mattress contains individual springs cushioned in their own pockets of material and filling to provide support across your body and prevent rolling together. 7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

4. East to keep clean

A lot of sweat and other contaminants accumulates over time on the mattress, but thanks to the practical 4-side splitable zipper, the washable cover can be easily removed, making the mattress easy to keep clean. We recommend you to ventilate the mattress regularly to extend the service life.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: Pocket spring foam + PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Overall dimensions: 80 x 200 x 20 cm (L x W x T)
  • Foam thickness: 20 cm
  • With 240 springs per sqm
  • With H2 hardness
  • With washable covers
  • Con cerniera su 4 lati

Are you tired of your old worn out mattress and looking for better night's rest? Enjoy a good night's sleep on our pocket spring 7 Zone mattress with H2 hardness! This mattress, approximately 20 cm thick, can not only offer a calm sleep, but also guard your spinal health.

1. Pocket spring 7 Zone foam technology

Pocket spring mattress contains individual springs cushioned in their own pockets of material and filling to provide support across your body and prevent rolling together. 7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

4. East to keep clean

A lot of sweat and other contaminants accumulates over time on the mattress, but thanks to the practical 4-side splitable zipper, the washable cover can be easily removed, making the mattress easy to keep clean. We recommend you to ventilate the mattress regularly to extend the service life.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: Pocket spring foam + PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Overall dimensions: 90 x 200 x 20 cm (L x W x T)
  • Foam thickness: 20 cm
  • With 240 springs per sqm
  • With H2 hardness
  • With washable covers
  • Con cerniera su 4 lati

Enjoy a good night's sleep on our extra-soft mattress! This mattress, approximately 16 cm thick, can not only offer a calm sleep, but also guard your spinal health.

1. 7 Zone PU foam technology

7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

4. Easy to keep clean

A lot of sweat and other contaminants accumulates over time on the mattress, but thanks to the practical 4-side zipper, the washable cover can be easily removed, making the mattress easy to keep clean. We recommend you to ventilate the mattress regularly to extend the service life.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Overall dimensions: 180 x 200 x 16 cm (L x W x T)
  • Foam thickness: 14 cm
  • With H2/H3 hardness
  • With washable covers
  • With 4-side zipper

With our 7 Zone visitor mattress with H2/H3 hardness, you can host and treat your guest with a good night's sleep.

1. 7 Zone PU foam technology

7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Overall dimensions: 80 x 200 x 10 cm (L x W x T)
  • Foam thickness: 10 cm
  • With H2/H3 hardness

With our 7 Zone visitor mattress with H2/H3 hardness, you can host and treat your guest with a good night's sleep.

1. 7 Zone PU foam technology

7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Overall dimensions: 90 x 200 x 10 cm (L x W x T)
  • Foam thickness: 10 cm
  • With H2/H3 hardness

With our 7 Zone visitor mattress with H2/H3 hardness, you can host and treat your guest with a good night's sleep.

1. 7 Zone PU foam technology

7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Overall dimensions: 100 x 200 x 10 cm (L x W x T)
  • Foam thickness: 10 cm
  • With H2/H3 hardness

With our 7 Zone visitor mattress with H2/H3 hardness, you can host and treat your guest with a good night's sleep.

1. 7 Zone PU foam technology

7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Overall dimensions: 120 x 200 x 10 cm (L x W x T)
  • Foam thickness: 10 cm
  • With H2/H3 hardness
Godetevi una buona notte di risposo grazie al nostro materasso extra-morbido! Questo materasso, di circa 16 cm di spessore, non solo garantisce un sonno tranquillo, ma protegge anche la salute della colonna vertebrale. 1. Tecnologia a 7 Zone in schiuma di poliuretanoIl materasso a 7 Zone indica che 7 diverse sezioni del materasso forniscono diversi livelli di supporto per aiutare a migliorare l'allineamento della colonna vertebrale. Pertanto, il materasso a 7 Zone offre un sostegno ineguagliabile per l'intero corpo, con un supporto morbido per le spalle, stabile per fianchi e zona lombare e garantisce così un sonno più salutare. 2. Allevia i punti di pressioneIl materasso può alleviare i carichi nei punti di pressione del corpo, consentendo alle ossa e alle articolazioni stressate, in particolare alla colonna vertebrale e all'area del collo, di riprendersi sufficientemente durante la notte. Il materasso si adatta perfettamente alla forma del vostro corpo, per un'esperienza di sonno armoniosa. 3. Comfort in ogni areaA differenza dei materassi tradizionali che forniscono comodità solo su zone limitate, questo materasso è estremamente comodo sull'intera superficie, dall'angolo ai bordi. Pertanto non è più necessario modificare spesso inconsciamente la posizione di riposo durante la notte. Inoltre non verranno più prodotti rumori quando ci si sposta sul materasso. 4. Facile da pulireNel corso del tempo si accumulano sudore e altri contaminanti sul materasso; tuttavia, grazie alla pratica cerniera lungo i 4 lati, la copertura lavabile può essere facilmente rimossa, rendendo il materasso facile da pulire. Si consiglia di ventilare regolarmente il materasso per prolungarne la vita operativa. Si prega di notare che non è possibile restituire il materasso per motivi igienici se la copertura è stata aperta o rimossa.

Enjoy a good night's sleep on our extra-soft mattress! This mattress, approximately 16 cm thick, can not only offer a calm sleep, but also guard your spinal health.

1. 7 Zone PU foam technology

7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

4. Easy to keep clean

A lot of sweat and other contaminants accumulates over time on the mattress, but thanks to the practical 4-side zipper, the washable cover can be easily removed, making the mattress easy to keep clean. We recommend you to ventilate the mattress regularly to extend the service life.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Overall dimensions: 100 x 200 x 16 cm (L x W x T)
  • Foam thickness: 14 cm
  • With H2/H3 hardness
  • With washable covers
  • With 4-side zipper

Enjoy a good night's sleep on our extra-soft mattress! This mattress, approximately 16 cm thick, can not only offer a calm sleep, but also guard your spinal health.

1. 7 Zone PU foam technology

7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

4. Easy to keep clean

A lot of sweat and other contaminants accumulates over time on the mattress, but thanks to the practical 4-side zipper, the washable cover can be easily removed, making the mattress easy to keep clean. We recommend you to ventilate the mattress regularly to extend the service life.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Overall dimensions: 120 x 200 x 16 cm (L x W x T)
  • Foam thickness: 14 cm
  • With H2/H3 hardness
  • With washable covers
  • With 4-side zipper

Enjoy a good night's sleep on our extra-soft mattress! This mattress, approximately 16 cm thick, can not only offer a calm sleep, but also guard your spinal health.

1. 7 Zone PU foam technology

7 Zone mattress means that 7 different sections of the mattress have different levels of support to help improve spinal alignment. Therefore, the 7 Zone mattress provides unparalleled support for your entire body, with soft support for your shoulders and firm support for your hips and lower back, providing a healthier sleep.

2. Allevia i punti di pressione

The mattress can lower the pressure point load of the body, allowing your stressed bones and joints, especially the spine and the neck area, to sufficiently recover overnight. The mattress can fit the contour of your body precisely for a harmonious sleep experience.

3. Comfort in every area

Different from conventional mattress with limited comfort zones, our mattress provides the entire lying surface, from the corner to the edge. Thus, you don't need to change the sleeping position frequently and unconsciously during the night. Additionally, there will be no more noise when you move on the mattress.

4. Easy to keep clean

A lot of sweat and other contaminants accumulates over time on the mattress, but thanks to the practical 4-side zipper, the washable cover can be easily removed, making the mattress easy to keep clean. We recommend you to ventilate the mattress regularly to extend the service life.

Please note that you cannot return the mattress for hygiene reasons if the mattress cover has been opened or removed.

  • Colore: bianco
  • Material: PU foam D25
  • Cover material: 100% polyester
  • Overall dimensions: 140 x 200 x 16 cm (L x W x T)
  • Foam thickness: 14 cm
  • With H2/H3 hardness
  • With washable covers
  • With 4-side zipper
Min: €0,00 Max: €1756,00
0 1756
  • Antracite
  • Arancione
  • Argento
  • Azzurro
  • Beige
  • Bianco
  • Blu
  • Crema
  • Giallo
  • Grigio
  • Marrone
  • Nero
  • Oro
  • Rosa
  • Rosso
  • Verde
  • Viola
  • Multicolore